Dominican Republic
Discover the premium cigar that will transport you to the Dominican Republic, under the Caribbean sun. Our Don Cristo cigar is an exclusive Corona, a unique blend of several Dominican tobaccos, combined with a Cuban wrapper (Maduro) that will offer you an unforgettable taste experience.
1966But that's not all
Each cigar is carefully and precisely hand-rolled by our experienced Torcedor to create a superior quality product, with limited and exclusively manual craftsmanship. Our Torcedor, who has worked for renowned brands such as Arturo Fuente and Leon Jimenez, manufactures each cigar with a lifetime of experience, in Santiago, at the heart of the Dominican Republic.
The easy draw and regular combustion of our Corona allow for a compact ash for a perfect smoking experience.
You will appreciate the smoothness of this cigar, reminiscent of sweet cream, as well as its notes of honey and cocoa. And after enjoying our cigar, it will leave a pleasant aroma that will linger in your memory. We are confident that our Corona is the cigar you need to relax, whether alone or in good company.
1966Allow me to tell you the story of Don Cristo, a Swiss cigar brand that combines a passion for tobacco with the richness of the Dominican Republic. It all started with our family, who was passionate about the Dominican Republic, its culture, and its terroir, producing the world’s best tobaccos, cultivated since time immemorial by the Taino Indians.
Over the years, we became friends with producers and Torcedors, but above all with cigar creation enthusiasts who shared their knowledge and passion with enthusiasm. This led us to import these exceptional cigars and launch the Don Cristo 1966 cigar brand in honor of our family’s father and grandfather, the first initiator of this adventure.
Our goal is to share our passion for these quality cigars with the world, starting with the launch of our flagship cigar, the exclusive Grand Toro, hand-rolled by our experienced Torcedor, who has worked for renowned brands such as Arturo Fuente and Leon Jimenez. This cigar is the result of traditional know-how passed down from generation to generation and a meticulous selection of the best tobaccos from the Dominican Republic, combined with a Cuban wrapper (Maduro) for an unforgettable flavor.
If you are a cigar enthusiast or want to discover the world of exceptional cigars, Don Cristo is a brand worth trying. Discover the rich and subtle flavors that our cigars have to offer.